Friday, October 17, 2008

Very clever!

I believe Sarah Palin is a poor representation of "women" in the US. I'm certainly not like her, nor do I aspire to be like her. It's not just her politics. Those are bad, but her personality has proven to be even worse.

She refers to her Wasilla-born supporters as the "everyday joe".

Who the hell am I, then... the single twenty-something woman, gainfully employed, with no children, who pays her taxes early every year, but still can't get ahead? I'm pretty sure that's on the back burner, along with the heap of taxes placed upon those of us without the benefit of "deductions".

Our society is obsessed with obtaining things. Why? Because you get money. People like money, because they're either greedy or needy.

I believe that as you place a greater burden on the system, you pay more taxes. Make more money? More taxes. Own lots of land? More taxes. Make less money? Less taxes. Own no land? Less taxes.

Mo money, mo problems, more taxes. You're paying for "freedom", remember?

It unsettles me that Warren Buffett is paying 17% income tax while I pay 25% or more.

What irks me more is giant corporations pay taxes, with all of these loopholes and write-offs, tax breaks and careless spending without consequence. The individual is less of a problem for the system than the corporation in this day and age. Our corporations call the shots now. Of all of the billions of dollars Chevron, Shell, Exxon, etc are making, they could solve our national debt and give us all some spending cash. If the companies came about their profits 'fairly' I may feel different, but the slime/lobbying that exists in the oil industry is disgusting.

[just an example. the oil industry is not the only example of corruption and greed, and not all corporations are corrupt and greedy. no sense in generalizing unfairly.]

It's time to change the playing field so the middle class [what's left of it] has a chance to survive as waters keep rising, trying to flood us out...

I pray by the time I'm her age, I won't have committed a fraction of the moral and federal crimes that this woman has been able to commit, seemingly without consequence.

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