Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I voted!

It feels good to know that we have an end in sight. I'm relieved that both the Bush years are down to Bush months, and that Barack Obama won the Presidency. I'm anxiously awaiting his appointment of Chief of Staff, as well as the rest of his cabinet, because you can never tell someone's character without knowing their friends. Or at least co-workers... it takes more than one man to run a government, but only one to really change it.

I have a lot of hope. I've been a fan since he ran and lost in Chicago the first time - I remembering thinking - holy shit that guy can talk. I have always been a fan of politics everywhere, so when they're in my backyard, I tend to listen.

I feel like this is a triumph for all of our civil rights, oh - except those who have states who voted them away. In California, Prop 8 is passing.

This election day was met with a bittersweet finish, for my tastes. Some people found hope, while others had their lifestyle and marriage destroyed. America is such a melting pot of ideas and cultures, to think that anyone's morals or values are above another's... is ludicrous.

I celebrate for President-to-be Obama, VP-to-be Biden, and their network of people who helped them win the race. I celebrate for America, because this is the chance we have at changing things for a generation. I don't know if you ever get a second chance at change. Well, besides the next election in 2012...

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